Well last night was a bit of a wash out, The laptop battery died and I spent almost 2 hours trying to figure out the settings for the Maxim DL software, Note to self, when I get my DS Camera I need to choose a main brand one such as Meade DSI,. The Celestron Camera does not exist (I found the camera eventually under Generic VGA USB) but still, I will possibly try again tonight however there is a chance of some clouds (decreasing around Midnight) which means I will have to be up late tonight, I have a power cord for my laptop and will set up my scope and table outside (I may even take a picture of my setup)
My take on the Maxim software..
Very indepth, not entirely user friendly, the taskbars are very jumbled and would probably be better after I customize it, It does not fully support AVI Videos as it converts the AVI images into individual frames which on a 1800 frame exposure takes up ALOT of memory and time, I will try to take Videos with it tonight and just use registax instead, see what happens.
I think that actually taking my scope out and playing with the software would greatly help and will probably have a better review of it tomorrow, In this "On Demand" world we live in, spending and hour just trying to set the camera is rather tedious.
Well more from me tonight.
JC Out
My take on the Maxim software..
Very indepth, not entirely user friendly, the taskbars are very jumbled and would probably be better after I customize it, It does not fully support AVI Videos as it converts the AVI images into individual frames which on a 1800 frame exposure takes up ALOT of memory and time, I will try to take Videos with it tonight and just use registax instead, see what happens.
I think that actually taking my scope out and playing with the software would greatly help and will probably have a better review of it tomorrow, In this "On Demand" world we live in, spending and hour just trying to set the camera is rather tedious.
Well more from me tonight.
JC Out